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Tourism Australia utilises MySpace in cricket advertising campaign

Tourism Australia and Cricket Australia have started an advertising campaign targeting UK cricket fans based on the successful “where the bloody hell are you” campaign, but linked to a web site. What’s interesting however is that this is not a high budget flashy web site, but a (free) MySpace website. The web site www.tuffersinoz.com will follow former England spinner Phil Tufnell’s travels in Australia for the Ashes series, including travel plans to help UK travel agents. You’ll note that the URL redirects to https://www.myspace.com/tuffersinoz.

Why use MySpace? Well, it is a community site with millions of users. It’s very cool and trendy to be seen developing in this space. As to its effectiveness, well hard to say at this point, but certainly MySpace is an online marketing phenomenon that has captured the attention of millions of young web users, and the not so young.

Recently purchased for $580 million by NewsCorp, MySpace is an interesting angle to play if you are marketing products or services to Generation X’ers or Y’ers.

Talk to us about the possible opportunities of including MySpace in your online marketing efforts.

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