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The new Apple iPad – wow!

One word – wow! This is pretty amazing stuff. Earlier today Steve Jobs, Apple’s charismatic but somewhat elusive CEO announced the impending launch of the Apple iPad. This product has been shrouded in secrecy for quite a few years now, with the tech world eagerly awaiting Apple’s take on the handheld tablet computing concept. And as I said….wow, i think theyve nailed it. Who cant see themselves using one of these little beauties at some point in the future! Watch the video.

Even though the Apple iPad won’t be available for another 60 or 90 days, Apple already has its official iPad website up and running.

In addition to showing off some of the applications, features and design and technical specifications, the website also features an eight-minute video with Apple’s design and development team discussing the device and showing it off. Check it out!

Nextwave is just starting to get into iPhone software development to help our clients take better advantage of the growing number of iphone users. The great thing is that nearly all the apps built for the iPhone will also work on the iPad, leveraging Apples massive and growing App Store of 150,000+ apps ranging from entertianment, producitivity, fincance, sprt and loads more…

You wil certainly be hearing lots more about the Apple iPad and the iPhone in the coming month.

Talk to your project manager about potential applications for your business in this growing market of content hungry users.

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