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Online business optimiser tip #3 – Bonuses

If you’re open-minded about trying it out, you should see an increase in sales, everybody loves a bonus.

You think your product or service is good enough to stand on it’s own? Ok, I’m not
saying it isn’t. But just think about this…

If you could throw in something more, something extra, something your prospect
would love to have in addition to your product or service – and if doing it costs you little
to nothing extra…

Wouldn’t you do it? Of course you would!

Your prospect is moved to buy your product or service based on emotions – what
they want, not what they need. Once the decision is made on an emotional basis, they
rationalize it in their minds.

By throwing in one or many value-added bonuses, you get them excited –
stimulate their ‘greed’ or desire for all the lovely goodies you’re offering… and that
brings you closer to making the sale.

Talk to us today about using bonuses in your ebusiness.

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