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Make your website favourites del.icio.us

Have you ever lost all of your browser favourites?

Or for those who arn’t already nodding, have you ever had trouble finding that site you bookmarked in that giant list on the favourites menu?

Sure, if you know what your looking for or the words you used to search for previously, then a quick google can get you back to where you were before. But what about those times where you found a gem site and can’t remember how you found it.

The answer is of course to favourite that site for later and tag (categorize by tag words) it.

Soon enough you have a huge list of favourites that you can’t sort through, and then if you’re like many other people, you forget to back up your favourites, only to loose them during the dreaded bi-annual windows re-format and re-install dance.

Say goodbye to all of those problems.

Say hello to del.ico.us bookmarking

Called so because its well… just plain Delicious! 😛

del.icio.us is social bookmarking at its best.
Not only is every one of your bookmarks stored online in your profile, but they can be shared with others as well.

It allows the ability to tag your favourites and also to star (recommend) them for other del.icio.us users.

Check out what your friends and other people are bookmarking and expose yourself to sites that have received the thumbs up from other surfers.

There are browser plug-ins for all your favourite browsers…. or if you’re a fan of FireFox you might like to try Flock.

Flock – Browsing for the Web 2.0 User

Flock is a free browser, based on the same tasty code as FireFox and is the browser of choice for the Web 2.0 user.
Why? Heres why:

– Everything FireFox already has (Flock supports FireFox plug-ins)
– Integrated del.icio.us favourites
– Blog straight from Flock (Compatible with most popular Blog software)
– Drag images and text snippets to the bottom bar for use later (like a quick copy and paste area)
– Get search results as soon as you start typing in the search box
– Batch upload to your photobucket or flickr account
– Monitor your friends flickr accounts for new images
– And more!

So download the del.icio.us plug-in for your browser, or switch to Flock; and never loose those precious favourites again.

You might even pickup some new ones from other users that you never knew about.

Happy Bookmarking. 🙂

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