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Flood of online Group Buying websites hit Australian marketplace

If there was still some doubt, PBL Media and Microsofts new joint-venture in Australia – cudo.com.au, has dispelled it completely. Online ‘group-buying’ and ‘coupon-retailing’ businesses are the hottest and newest, ‘new thing’ in ecommerce down-under. Microsoft and PBL Media, with Cudo, join a veritable crowd of both start-ups and established businesses trying to cash-in on the apparent popularity of group-buying services with consumers. Spreets, scoopon, offerme, ouffer, jumponit, ourdeal, crowdmass and eroo, are just some of the names in the crowd.

Some great promotional opportunities exist for businesses on these sites, especially if you are a service based business in a capital city or a manufacturer of a product that you are prepared to sell at a reasonable discount. Talk to us today about this interesting strategy.

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