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The first month of the new year has flown by. As an online retailer you will be looking at identifying areas of improvement this year.

Take a second to think about what you have accomplished in 2014 and what didn’t go quite to plan. Did you have a great strategy in place but weren’t able to execute it as planned? Maybe you’ve thought of better ways to manage your time? The most important thing to remember is to list your resolutions and make improvements for the New Year.

5 ways to make 2015 even more successful than 2014

Get mobile

In 2013 Google Chairman Eric Schmidt outlined that 2014 was going to be all about mobile. Guess what?! It still is! In 2015 mobile commerce has been predicted to surpass expectations provided shoppers with an omnichannel experience.

At the beginning of the year smartphones were used by consumers to research products before making a purchase. Now, retailers are capturing more of the market by making the most of technological advancements. Customers can now research, compare prices and make payment with ease on their smartphone – we look forward to what 2015 holds.

Get responsive

Whilst we are on the topic of mobile, now is a good time to talk about responsive design. Whilst it is a relatively new design concept, responsive design is an absolute must for 2015. Making your website look and function the same on any smartphone, tablet and desktop, responsive design can actually improve site traffic and increase sales.

Get integrated

Integration is the buzz word of 2015 in many different ways. Signalling advancements in leisure as well as technology, integrations of many different types have responded to a demand for a ‘sharing economy’ providing users with a range of software and devices that provide a complete experience.

Get in-store delivery

Growing in popularity over the last year, click-and-collect is offering customers immediate fulfilment – a valuable service that only Bricks and Mortar stores could previously provide. Many online retailers such as Amazon and Google Shopping Express have partnered with local stores, whilst those with both an online and retail store have combined their efforts to offer an almost unrivalled shopping experience.

Get personal

Remind customers who have abandoned their basket to purchase and upsell products via personalised recommendations

The year of personalisation, 2015 encourages ecommerce business owners to offer a more personalised web experience to their customers. From recommended products to personalised marketing emails and a tailored online experience, retailers who are set to offer something a little more personal can expect to see a great improvement in ROI.

Make the most of your ecommerce in 2015

At Nextwave we provide smart ecommerce solutions for online retailers. From bespoke integrations to internet marketing and paid search packages, we can help you to build a better ecommerce business in 2015. For more help and advice with your ecommerce call us today on 1300 859 805 or email [email protected]

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